A Word on Worms… and their Dirty Deeds…

We are all worms. But I believe that I am a glow-worm. Winston Churchill


The Garden Peddler has had the fortune of teaming up with a company called California Vermiculture, a worm-farm in the greater San Diego area.  The benefits are so overwhelmingly positive for both the environment and our plants that we are SUPER-EXCITED to begin some trials locally to determine its effectiveness.


Before I get into that I want to quickly explain what we are talking about when we speak of Worm Castings. The castings are the excrement left behind by worms after they finish digesting the organic matter that makes up their diet. With food waste and with assistance from microorganisms, the worms will convert bedding and food waste into compost. Worm composting can be done year-round, indoors and out. It is a natural method for recycling nutrients in food waste without odor. The resulting compost can be used in a number of ways. It can mixed with soil, applied as a dressing or for our purposes, “brewed” into a liquid extract or “tea”.


We also add a POWERHOUSE of additional extracts to push the formula over the edge like KELP, HYDROLYZED FISH and more…




  • Worm castings have over 60 micro nutrients and trace minerals that help plants thrive


  • Castings act as a buffer from extreme PH levels to aid in nutrient absorption


  • The humus in the castings extracts toxins and harmful fungi & bacteria from soil &  have the ability to fight off plant diseases.


  • Castings have the ability to help plants regulate their Heavy Metal absorption by binding to these elements


  • Finally it is believed that castings cause plants to increase levels of chitinase which may deter certain insects from feeding


Here at our Homestead, we have a variety of plants that should show the benefits pretty clearly.  There are benefits to commercial growers because root treatments of Worm Gold have shown dramatic increases, as much as 30%, in fruit yields.  Currently we have blueberries, black berries, loganberries, grapevines, Beach Plums and a whole variety of other veggies around the Homestead that I will begin treating the second week of May.  I plan to do side-by-side treatments vs. non-treatment and literally build my case for the product.

As The Garden Peddler begins introducing the product to friends, family, nurseries and growers you may find us at the local Farmers Market as well.  Until demand is strong enough, we will literally be brewing the extract and delivering to those who would like to perform their own studies or those who already know the power of the Worm!


If you’d like to learn more about the Worm Gold supply in Cape May County contact The Garden Peddler or just go purchase a FIVE GALLON bucket of the Super-Mix NOW!