Showing all 6 results

Fish Powder 12-1-1
A professional-grade, water-soluble nitrogen fertilizer Down To Earth™ Fish Powder 12-1-1 is a professional-grade, water-soluble nitrogen fertilizer derived from fish protein for supplementing plant nutrient requirements or correcting nitrogen deficiencies in all types of plants including vegetables, flowers, trees, shrubs, … Continued

Granular Endo
Improve transplant success and increase root mass Down To Earth™ Granular Endo is an all purpose combination of four carefully selected species of endomycorrhizae to benefit a diverse selection of vegetables, flowers, grasses, trees and shrubs. About 80% of the … Continued

Granular Humic Acids
Down To Earth™ Granular Humic Acids is a highly concentrated source of humic substances that is ideal for use on fields, turf and vegetable gardens. Carefully mined from one of the world’s richest deposits, DTE™ Granular Humic Acids is derived … Continued

Down To Earth™ HumaPlex™ is a professional-grade, concentrated extract of ancient organic humus sourced from the protected humate deposits of northwestern New Mexico. Liquid humic acid solutions produced from these high-quality humates are renowned for their superior composition, performance and … Continued

Decrease the negative impact of plant stress Down To Earth™ KelPlex™ is a professional grade, dehydrated liquid extract of freshly harvested seaweed from the clean, cold waters of the North Atlantic Ocean. DTE™ KelPlex™ complements most crop nutrient programs and … Continued

Soluble Root Zone
ImageTo Earth™ Soluble Root Zone is a powerful blend of thirty species of beneficial soil organisms that colonize plant roots and expand into the surrounding soil to greatly increase the absorptive surface area of root systems. Mycorrhizal fungi, Trichoderma and … Continued